Austin Seven Late Model "D" Type Differential/Hub Modifications

Axle housing outside flange.jpg (28438 bytes)

The above photograph shows the surface prepared for the new style oil seal. In this case the original differential housing was badly worn. The area required for the new oil seal to run and also the surface at "A" (as shown above) was hard chromed and ground back to the correct dimensions. The differential housing - end flange has also been modified (cut) at "B" and "C" to accommodate new aluminium backing plates used in the conversion to hydraulic brakes. See the hydraulic brakes page for more information.

Hub seal upgrade.jpg (30111 bytes)

This photograph shows the old felt seal and its associated washer being replaced by an oil seal. Note the new grade 8 HT wheel studs that have also been fitted.

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Photographs and description Bruce White - 2000

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