From: Greg Stevens [email protected]
Date: 07 Dec 2000
Time: 22:03:04
Remote Name:
This will throw the Austins amongst the Alvis'.
At a club meeting recently, we had a great long story about Lead Replacement products.
After listening to the "sell", I asked a club "elder" his opinion of Unleaded in A7 engines.
He has been using Unleaded in his A7's, (plural), since it came out. (1985)
He states, the valves do not rust, gum up or stick, as they do with leaded. There is less carbon in the motor blah blah blah. Never has he seen evidence of V S R.
I have been to New Zealand on a few trips recently, bought a 70 4/4 Morgan over there, that's another story. Anyway, I have been watching with interest, the sales of additives.
Interesting, when they first lost Leaded, your average fuel outlet was selling two boxes of the syringes, a week. One syringe treats 20 litres.
Now, a few years later, they are lucky to sell one box a month! This tells me that we are being sold a line of product, the NZ population consider is no longer necessary!
With our low compression ratio, even in these hot motors, compression ratios are not hot enough to create the VSR we are being told we will have!
Take a good look around, look past the trees, into the forest!