Austin Seven Special - Rebuild - Advice needed

From: Matthias Schulze, Wurmberg, Germany
Date: 18/02/98
Time: 20:31:06
Remote Name:



I started rebuilding an 1934? Austin Seven with non-standard roadster bodywork. The car came to me as a basket case but is mostly complete and some work (engine, gearbox, brakeing system) has already been done. Furthermore, lots of new parts were included, but with some of them (bushes, washers) I have problems to identify what they are for.

I am not unexpereinced in rebuilding cars but until now have only restored post-war MGs. Hence I am desparetely looking for some kind of work- shop manual to see, how everything goes together.

The only thing I have got so far is a parts list that helps a lot. Nevertheless there are some discrepancies between list and reality, especially when it comes to the shock absorbers.

Play in the back axle needs to be adjusted and the steering system must be modifyed for use with the lowered roadster body. I think, I have to shorten the steering culomn and modify the remainders to accept an UJ. Has anybody some advice for me?

Furthermore, can anybody recommend parts suppliers preferably in England?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much!


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