Re: Austin 7 Video

From: Howard Annett (Chairman A7CA) [email protected]
Date: 28/10/99
Time: 8:12:54
Remote Name:



The Austin Seven Clubs Association is lucky enough to have obtained a number of films made by the Austin Motor Co. in the 30s. These have now been transfered to video and are available from our video man. I do not know whether the British video system is the same as yours in NZ. If yes, then contact me by e-mail for his address. The Morris videos, along with the Austin 7 videos, are also available from the Heritage Motor Centre Museum at Gaydon, UK. This Museum has some 300 exhibits, all British cars, and has evolved from the Rover Group, which of course, is the culmination of the amalgamation of Austin, Morris, MG, Riley, Wolseley and finally Rover. All their technical stuff has been gathered in one place and is now housed at Gaydon.

Hope this helps.


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