From: IAN MOORCRAFT U.K [email protected]
Date: 17 Dec 2000
Time: 21:47:18
Remote Name:
Bruce, Steering arms are not produced by anyone here in U.K, Even secondhand ones are very thin on the ground.There is however a stallholder at Beaulieu autojumble and Beaulieu National A7 rally who always has stock of crack detected and painted steering arms, He is the one that is most known for selling restored Austin seven tools, does anyone have his address?. It may be worth a mention here that when I crack detected all my spare steering arms, more than half had cracks, the fellow above said that he gets about a 50% failure rate on all arms he tests. I don`t think that anyone will ever reproduce steering arms due to the Public Liability problem, Its such a spindly item anyway,that you would have to know what the exact spec and method of manufacture was,I don`t think any of these details exist here in the U.K. As for big seven arms, most have been snapped up by the raceing bods for their extra stength. I hope someone can come up with a contact number for the stallholder above, the price of one of his restored arms was 15 pounds (U.K) REGARDS IAN