Re: Wintering an Austin 7

From: Frank
Date: 03 Jan 2001
Time: 19:08:34
Remote Name:


I always store my Austin from October to March and use the following methods: 1. I jack up the car to release the wheels 2. cover the car with a cotton-cloth 3. the car stands on a plastic-sheet and is also covered with a plastic bag and is totally sealed with sticky tape. Inside the plastic bag, I have got special salt-bags which keep the humidity perfectly low. The petrol tank is filled to the top (I spoke with the veteran cars department of Mercedes-Benz and they said, that if the car had been perfectly restored, this would not cause any problems) 4. The radiator is filled with antifreeze, only for aluminium engines. That's it. Whenever I remove the plastic bag and start the engine after 5 months it starts without any problems. I have not got any problems with rust or anything else. Frank

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