Re: Electronic ignition

From: Bruce White
Date: 04 Feb 2001
Time: 10:27:10
Remote Name:


Yes, this is the one I copied for my tests - the Bosch number on the body is 062-406. It was used for about 10 months on the Toyoya Corolla in 1971 I believe? But I think it was only made by Bosch Auatralia for our market. I'm sure there are many that suit the bill. As Courtenay says, it is very easy to modify, a spacer needs to be made, a second "O" ring groove cut, the drive shaft cut off and a drive gear to suit the A7 fitted to the shaft. Then the dizzy advance curve needs setting up for an A7. The local club sells the gears (nice brass ones)which I believe come from your club as well Courtenay? I think the OZ price was about $250 for the dizzy ready to go. This is actual a reasonable price when you add up all the costs to go your own way. It costs $45 just to have an advance curve set in Adelaide now.... So unless you have all the gear to set up a dizzy consider your options! I have just come back from a nice run in my Seven with one fitted and it works a treat! I should have converted it years ago.


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