Re: Ruby petrol tank

From: Barry Lovelock.
Date: 23 Apr 2001
Time: 05:14:32
Remote Name:


Ron, I have it sussed now, but I had to take three apart before I got one to move and then only with WD40! The wiper is connected to earth by a flexible wire, wrapped around it's pivot and clamped under the assembly which the incoming sender wire comes through; this wire takes on the appearance of a spring. The incoming sender wire goes through the body via the brass nut and thread in the previous assembly, and then to a blob of solder to one end of the resistance block, the other end of the resistor appears to be connected to earth by means of being sandwiched under the SRBF, or Paxolin core of the resistor block. The modus operandi is as follows:- The sender wire from the gauge applies a voltage to the resistor, which is about 20 ohms; the earthed wiper varies the voltage applied by progressively shorting it to earth. When the tank is empty maximum resistance is in circuit and the gauge reads low and vic-versa. If you need a picture I can send one.

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