From: STEVE JONES PWA7C - [email protected]
Date: 30 Apr 2001
Time: 18:25:03
Remote Name:
My 1936 copy of 'The Modern Motor Engineer' by Arthur Judge (with special contributions by experts!) quotes: " is a well-established fact (no doubt by the "experts") that the density of the acid of a fully charged cell is from 1.245 to 1.250..."
It goes on: "Many authorities (no doubt the "experts" again) recommend the gradual discharge of a newly charged battery through a suitable resistance, such as a number of lighting circuit bulbs, at a low current rate, namely from 1/2 to 1.0 ampere in the case of a motor battery. The battery should be discharged until the density falls about midway, or perhaps a little lower, between its fully charged and fully discharged value, after which it should be charged up again. This procedure of breaking the battery in leaves it in the proper condition for commencing its normal duties without fear of giving trouble or of deteriorating"
The fully discharged density is quoted as about 1.110.
Of course, Barry may be correct and your battery was faulty from the start!!