Cam profiles for roadgoing sports

From: courtenay <> [email protected]
Date: 02 Jun 2001
Time: 20:00:41
Remote Name:


Hi readers! I am seeking the details of the best modern camshaft grinds for an Austin 7 sport on behalf of the Austin 7 Club here in Victoria, Australia. In the past a "20/60" has been produced, which is fine for race cars with a light body and geared for high revs. However not many race cars are being built now and the demand is for a cam with good low end pull for those using standard gear/diff ratios. I have had a cam produced in NZ by CSL, but have not had the opportunity to test it yet. The base radius has been increased by tig welding to avoid the tip becoming too sharp, and the ramps have a modern profile in order to open the valve smoothly; rather than the "slam it up, slam it closed" tendensy of the standard unit. All suggestions greatly welcomed!! Cheers Courtenay

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