From: STEVE JONES - PWA7C [email protected]
Date: 06 Jul 2001
Time: 18:45:11
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The first lesson to learn is that if visiting Barry Lovelock, go on a bicycle!!
I fitted a bronze carb. to my 29 Chummy last year to replace the orig. alloy version (which worked perfectly but was obviously more delicate).
I was aware of the various methods for setting the petrol level but in the end, did this by simple trial and error.
As far as jets were concerned, I found that some with the same number worked fine, some hopeless. Again trial and error. The remaining adjustment, the slow running tube I set as set out in Nicholson (am I therefore guilty of "dickering"?) and I again found trial and error worked. The whole process took around a day to get right but in the end, everything worked as it should and remains so to this day. It seems trhe real problem may be with the jets (assuming the slow running tube is in good condition) with 70+ year old components suffering wear and or abuse. But, with perseverence and a supply of alternative jets, a good set up is possible for what is a very good carb. when working properly.
As to fitting an S.U. my Trial's Car has one and it is tremendous. It took much, much longer than a day to set up and get right however!! STEVE JONES
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