Postings to this site????

From: Bruce White ([email protected])
Date: 23 Oct 2001
Time: 21:38:45
Remote Name:


A number of people have e-mailed me about the drop off in postings to this site and if there is a problem. I do not believe there is a problem with the forum server but if you are experiencing ANY problems please contact me at this address and I will resolve any problems.

[email protected]

So why haven't there been many postings? I think the forum on this site may have out lived its usefulness as many Austin Seven Clubs now feature forums that cater very well to their members needs. This site has been running for about 5 years now and was the only forum specifically set up for Austineers at the time. I will leave the forum running and monitor the usage at the end of the year.

Thanks to all for your support over the past few years. I have learned so much about sevens from your contributions.

I will continue to add historical information (of which I still have much!) to the main site as time permits over the next few years.


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Last Modified: Saturday, 29 December 2001