Date: 27 Aug 2002
Time: 05:51:03
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'Roughly' fitted to the rear window of my '34 box is a roller blind, but there is no method for raising or lowering it. There is a spool at one end around which cord can be wrapped. I thought it was a cheap modern affair - fixed with Philips headed screws, but I have seen in other (unattended) A7's the same blind plus somewhere a mention (possibly Rinsley Mills) that they are correct period fittings, and in the other A7's I have observed there is a cord running in eyelets to a hook above the drivers door. So how does the blind rewind - there is no sring fitting. Also are there guides for the bottom part of the blind as it's lowered - the one occasion when I lowered mine (no guides etc), the bottom bar of the blind banged on the rear window surround so much I gave up and hand wound the blind back up.
Any help (especially photo's direct to above email addy, remove '_') would be appreciated.
Sandy, Cornwall, UK.