From: Sandy@Puffin....
Date: 28 Aug 2002
Time: 07:16:14
Remote Name:
Thank you Ian, this would seem to mean the set up on mine is all wrong! There would have to be lead (as per hanging net curtains) in the bottom part of the blind to give it the ability to unwind. Not as exciting as sports models I know, but the A7 embraces all sorts. You should have seen the faces of the occupants of a 'modern' on Penzance Bypass the other day as we sailed by with a slight downgrade and a following wind, the speedo said 45, but I know it reads low, we were certainly bouncing around. They looked shocked, I think I used a pint of oil just along the Bypass! The local villagers have asked me to put Castrol 'R' in so it smells sweeter as I go through our village!
Sandy, Cornwall.