Some Questions

From: Antony White ([email protected]
Date: 29 Aug 2002
Time: 08:25:33
Remote Name:


I'm well on the way in the building of my 'Ulster' type special, intended for both road and competition (VSCC & Triple Challenge). However, I am currently in need of advice:

Brakes: I have read all I can about whether or not it is worth going hydraulic. With my intended usage in mind I'd appreciate some help here. If I do go hydraulic, what bits do I need and what needs modifying to make it all work?

Wheels: I have both a set of 17" wheels, and a set of wheels off a special that measure 16" with a cross section of nearly 4". Again, bearing in mind my intended usage what would be best to go with, and also which might work out cheaper for tyres?

Carburettor: Any advice on which size carb to source, as well as where I might get an inlet and exhaust manifold would be appreciated. I have some speedex exhaust manifolds but I suspect that they would not be VSCC eligible.

Cylinder Head: I have a number of these and I have some with the plugs over the pistons, and some with the plugs over the valves. Which should I use? I have an unidentified aluminium head with the plugs over the valves too.

Sorry to be such a chump, but I'm still getting the hang of these Austin 7s after racing MGs for a number of years.

Thank you in advance.


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