Re: Rear Brake Levers

From: Bill Sheehan   [email protected]
Date: 02 Sep 2002
Time: 11:15:04
Remote Name:


To support Steve's comments, I think years ago we calculated that if the levers are pointing up you get about 40% efficiency, (the latter word is a strange one to use in conjunction with Austin 7 brakes?) compared with the proper installation. With the ball-type levers I always remind myself that they should be like me - Down & Out. The levers should be pointing down and the balls should be facing to the outside of the car. If everything else is installed correctly, you've then got it right. Amazing how many variations people can dream up , and the same people wonder why I'm abrupt when they complain about hopeless Austin 7 brakes. Probably the most-discussed subject ever around the vintage world? Regards, Bill

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