From: Bill Sheehan [email protected]
Date: 09 Oct 2002
Time: 10:08:46
Remote Name:
Personally I love Austin 7 Specials, but think they have to be mainly Austin 7 - eg - Engine, Chassis, front and rear axles, suspension etc. Some people are obsessed with fitting more powerful and exotic engines with no thoughts to the dangerous handling and braking effects, which idea is what I'm against. Perhaps the best and last word on the subject could be, as quoted in 1988 :- "I have to avoid offending Austin Seven owners today. Some of them have made pretty weird modifications and they take me on one side and say, 'Look I've done this and I've done that'. And I say, 'Oh, very good, very good'. I have to refrain from saying, 'Well, bloody silly, you should have left it alone and enjoyed it as it was'. Of course, once they have paid their money you can't stop 'em putting a double decker body on it, if they want to, can you?".... Stanley Edge Cheers, Bill