Hints for using the Question and Answer Forum

Regular users of this page may like to use the "Find in page" option in Netscape or the "Find (on this page)" option in Internet Explorer to find items that have been posted for the current month and year. This feature is found under the "Edit" menu in both browsers.

Example: Click anywhere in the Question and Answer forum frame and select the "Find in page" (or "Find(on this page)") option under the Edit menu……just type in "10 Nov" (without the quote marks) and click the "Find Next" button to find the first article posted on the 10th day of November….. click the "Find Next" button to jump to the next etc…..

This feature could also be used for finding word(s) in a title.

Example: Click anywhere in the Question and Answer forum frame and select the "Find in page" (or "Find(on this page)") option under the Edit menu……just type in "axle" (without the quote marks) and click the "Find Next" button to find the first article posted with axle in the title….. click the "Find Next" button to jump to the next etc…..

The Austin Seven Motoring Pages