Austin Seven Club Contacts and Events

Austin Seven Clubs:


The Austin Seven Clubs' Association

  The Essex Austin Seven Club

The Austin Seven Owners Club (London) Web Site

The Pre-War Austin Seven Club

The Bristol Austin Seven Club

Isle of Wight Austins


 The Scottish Austin Seven Club

Australia and New Zealand:

 The Austin Seven Club of Victoria  (also known as the Austin Seven Club of Australia)

 The Austin Seven Club of South Australia

The Austin Flying A Enthusiasts Club of New Zealand

The Austin Seven Club of Western Australia

The Austin Seven Register of Queensland

Prewar Austin Drivers Club (Queensland)


The Dutch Pre War Austin Seven Club


Austin Seven Club Germany

Past Events:

The Austin Seven Club of South Australia - 50th Anniversary Rally (1953 - 2003)

The Prewar Austin Drivers Club Tasmania Tour 2003

50 Years of the Austin A30 - Echuca (Australia) - Saturday 3rd November to Tuesday 6th November 2001

(not Sevens but they are Austins - it was great!)

Historic Winton - Victoria (Australia)  - Saturday 26th May and Sunday 27th May 2001

Austins Over Australia 2001 -  Queanbeyan, New South
Wales - Easter Weekend Thursday 12th April to Monday 16th April 2001

The RAA Bay to Birdwood Run for 2000   

The Border Run - 1999 (the Austin Seven Clubs of South Australia and Victoria)

Mallala Masters Race Meeting - Adelaide, September, 1999

Austins Over Australia Rally 1999

The Austin Seven Club of South Australia - 45th Anniversary Rally (1953 - 1998) October 24 and 25, 1998.

Shannons Mallala Masters Classic 1997 annual race event (Adelaide, Australia)

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